Friday, October 3, 2008


My Queen, getting more and more active and curious and it's getting hard for me to catch up wih her.Her hands and legs are just everywhere and she's fast.It seems like she's always bursting with energy and never gets tired.She's really talkative, though you can't make out what she's saying ...wonder where she got that from ..hahaha.The little things she does is sometimes OTT(over the top) funny and we just can't stop laughing!Like when she drinks water , she must say AH.Or she'll spit out the water like she's merlion....and all sorts of silly little things.She's really Funny forever tickling our funny bone.
Sh's getting more alert though ,her memory is great.Can start to identify more things, like her head,knees,and not forgetting her big fat TOe!and lots more.Sometimes ,we will just sit quietly by her side and watch her play,it's really interesting.1 toy but so many ways to play.Well,i'm just happy that she's healthy and happy.That's what matters most.

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