Saturday, February 27, 2010

Updates on our little preschooler.

Ranielle is loving school!Everyday,when we reach the school she will straightaway say bye mummy! and hurry to class.Her classmates and teachers are a very welcoming bunch.When she enters the class room,they will say Hi Ranielle very happily and one of the boys will even help her to take her attendance tag for her.When school ends,they will wave goodbye happily to each other and sometimes hug as well.It makes her feel happy and loved.I'm really glad that she's in such a class.
Also now, she is attending Berries and aquaduck.So far,she's enjoying everything and having fun as well.She is definitely a big girl now.The way she looks at things and her understanding level and even her desire to learn is fascinating.Even her behaviour, one minute she's a lovely angel the next she's a little monster.Conversations with her is now more enjoyable,we will watch shows together and she will ask questions which is good but sometimes she 's quite extreme and it gets a little irritating.Taking care of her is now much much easier,she's potty trained,food wise even easier.It's just the disciplinE area which is tough.