Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sometimes,when i look at Queen sitting down playing ,i'm like wow, she's growing fast.She's slowly understanding things and identifying them, she can even say things like ball,bear,book,bird etc..and also her signing is also improving.She amazes us all the time.I feel very happy that she's always happy and so cheery.She just brightens up the day no matter how terrible it is.Even when times, she's being naughty and she's scolded,you can tell that she understands but she still just smile or laugh or even give you a big grin.You can never be angry with her for long.Sometimes i feel guilty too when i scold her but she's really too much.Yes,i know she's a baby but still....there are times that i really want to pull my hair out!!I'm quite surprised that i'm still quite sane hahahaha...Oh well,lifes never the same when you have a baby right?

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