Thursday, December 4, 2008


Our Darling Queen,weighed her today.Our friend is now 11+kg.
oh well,ever since she could walk or rather run..she has been uncontrollable and wild.the way she does things is just so adorable and so smart!!!!She has a mind of her own and she realise the concept of things, like dvd is to be put into the dvd player,on the fan,asking me to pick up the phone when it's ringing etc..her signing has also improve lots. speech wise ok to recongize things and pointing it out to us.We are real happy that she's picking up things fast responding well and bascially having fun though We are really have a hard time chasing our little darling around.And yes,she screams at home,in public everywhere.She simply can't contain her excitment!!!Eating is all prob with that.did i mention she loves to gives us hugs and kisses(don't jealous ah)hahaha...We are just simply blessed!!!She is truly a 'Kai xin guo' you can never get angry with her for long. she knows your weakness and it's her!! she start to 'sa nai' give you hugs and kisses putting on her sweetest smiles and all sort.Sad to say,i never fail to fall for it hahahaa..more to come!!

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